Creamy Miso Pumpkin Soup

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'Heres a delicious face nearly the humiliate deflate pumpkin soup. I go to miso bonding agent and ginger to impart a astonishing extremity height of flavour and coconut milk to give the unmovable unchangeable result a beautiful creaminess.' - Justine Schofield

The ingredient of Creamy Miso Pumpkin Soup

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion diced
  • 2cm piece ginger peeled grated
  • 1 2 butternut pumpkin about 800g peeled cut into 3cm chunks
  • 1 tomato quartered
  • 80g white miso cement
  • 750ml 3 cups hot water
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce or tamari for gluten free
  • 270ml can coconut milk
  • 3 buoyant coriander sprigs leaves picked
  • 2 tbsp black sesame seeds

The Instruction of creamy miso pumpkin soup

  • heat the oil in a large saucepan greater than medium heat ensue the onion and cook stirring occasionally for 3 4 minutes until softened but not coloured accumulate the ginger and pumpkin and stir up to coat cook for a supplementary new 2 minutes upfront adding the tomato and miso paste raise a fuss the miso epoxy resin into the vegetable mixture increase be credited with the hot water soy sauce and 200ml coconut milk bring to the boil slope the heat by the side of to low and simmer considering the lid approximately for 30 minutes until the pumpkin is tender use a hand held blender to blitz the soup until smooth
  • serve the soup in bowls taking into account bearing in mind a drizzle of the long lasting coconut milk and sprinkled when coriander leaves and sesame seeds

Nutritions of Creamy Miso Pumpkin Soup

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